Umpqua Jazz & Fly-fishing Experience

Roseburg, Oregon, June 4 – Source One Serenity had a successful first event Umpqua Jazz and Fly-fishing Experience sponsored by Elk Island Trading Group, Lone Rock Timber Company, and Roto-Rooter under the Washington and Oak Ave Bridges in the heart of Roseburg.  

This event has definitely fulfilled its purpose to reach out to our local Veterans and their families. There were about 100 people who attended this event. Some of them took advantage to try out fly-fishing with amazing local fly-fishing instructors, three of them came from Bandon and were teaching spey casting which is a tricky casting technique with no or little room behind the angler. One of the fly-fishing instructors shared his best and touching experience during the event, when a little girl, who is a daughter of a Veteran pulled his shirt and told him in a humble and little voice to teach her fly-fishing. The fly-fishing instructor was so happy to show her how to cast a line.

The event was opened with bagpipes by the Veteran John Pierson.
Jazzy tunes were performed by the talented Umpqua Singers to accompany fly casting and to create a soulful atmosphere on the beautiful waterfront of the South Umpqua River.
Roseburg VA Healthcare System and Disabled Veterans Outreach Program by WorkSource Douglas had a chance to meet Veterans and assist them with their issues.
Freshly smoked BBQ which guests called gourmet BBQ was provided by a Veteran-owned business Big D’s Shredded BBQ.

Chad Alcock from Disabled Veterans Outreach Program by WorkSource Douglas said: “I think that the Jazz and Fly Fishing Experience, put on by Source One Serenity, was a great success. It was a comfortable, welcoming environment. Elena, Rusty, and everyone else that helped put it together should be proud of themselves.”  We definitely know that Umpqua Jazz and Fly-fishing Experience will happen next year and we already look forward to it!

Press Release