Trail work in the Boulder Creek Wilderness
Since 2021, the veterans from Source One Serenity with community volunteers have cleared more than 15 miles of trail in the Boulder Creek Wilderness: Bradley Trail #1491 (2.4 mi), Soda Springs Trail #1493 (0.4 mi), and Boulder Creek Trail #1552 (more than 8 mi). They have cut more than 300 fallen trees up to 80" at diameter at breast height and opened Bradley Trail and Soda Springs Trail that intersect Boulder Creek Trail at Pine Bench. The work in this area is arduous due to steepness, big, downed trees, and no mechanized equipment allowed. A great amount of effort is expended to hike in and use cross-cut saws to clear downed trees. Although the Boulder Creek Trail is not cleared completely, it already provides renewed access to the Boulder Creek Wilderness for hikers and equestrians.
Source One Serenity intends to fully clear and reopen the Boulder Creek Trail in 2023, and we are very excited that Siskiyou Mountain Club will join us in these efforts! Approximately 2 more miles at 5,000 feet elevation. This will also allow for reopening connector trails in future years, and thus creating loop opportunities in the wilderness for hikers, backpackers, and equestrians. We are focused on reducing the deferred maintenance in the Boulder Creek Wilderness to help shift use and offer recreational opportunities to visitors despite recent disturbance events. Source One Serenity performs this trail work according to the Forest Service’s trail development scale and under supervision of the Umpqua National Forest Recreation Program. The trails are intended to preserve the Boulder Creek Wilderness and its wildlife habitat as near as possible to the primitive environment, and “where man himself is a visitor who does not remain.”