Gary Zukav with Fellow Veterans
A group of veterans met with Gary Zukav, a spiritual teacher and the author of four consecutive New York Times bestsellers. In his book, The Seat of the Soul, and in some of his interviews with Oprah Winfrey, he shared experiences and perceptions of his military service as a Green Beret in Vietnam.

This time Gary Zukav met with fellow veterans on the North Umpqua River of Southern Oregon, and he explained why. In Part 1 Gary tells his story with vulnerability and honesty, and how he has come a long way from the external power of badge, boots, uniform, and weapons to authentic empowerment. From insecurities and fear to experiences that we are more than our minds and bodies, and as he puts it in The Seat of the Soul, there is “another kind of power, a power that loves life in every form it appears, a power that does not judge what it encounters, a power that perceives meaningfulness and purpose in the smallest details upon the Earth. This is authentic power.”
But are we all ready to expand beyond our perceptions of physical reality and into this new realm of experience where “the origins of our deeper values are found”? Part 2 is a conversation where other veterans of several generations share their experiences, and some admitted that it was the most thought-provoking conversation.
As Maya Angelou said, “When Zukav’s ideas stop challenging you, you will laugh with the wonderful laughter of the discoverer who has found a new continent”. Talking to Gary Zukav and Linda Francis under majestic old trees of the Umpqua National Forest is an insight into Gary’s teachings through his books, including The Seat of the Soul.
Be the creator of authentic power on a new continent.